Weight Management for Pets

Assist your pet in achieving a balanced weight through our weight management program.

Like with us people, maintaining a healthy body weight is one of the best ways to keep your pet healthy throughout their life. Because of the countless breeds and types of pets out there, it can be difficult to determine the exact weight or body measurements ideal for your pet. That being said, our veterinarians and RVTs are here to help you make the best nutritional decisions for your pet. During a full-body exam, we can make recommendations for health screening tests to rule out a medical issue that may be associated with your pet’s weight gain or weight loss. Please call us at 519-426-0111 to learn more about how we can help manage your pet’s weight.

When is a dog or a cat considered to be overweight?

It’s really quite difficult to come up with an ideal weight for each individual pet. The best way to know if your pet is at a healthy weight is to consult with our veterinary team. It’s best to stay away from misleading advice from the internet, your friends and even from your own visual assessment. For example, with some dog breeds such as greyhounds, it is normal for their ribs to stick out from under their skin. They may look malnourished, but this is in fact quite normal for their breed.

Is being overweight or obese bad for my pet?

Absolutely. When your pet is overweight or obese, they are at a greater risk of developing arthritis, diabetes and lower urinary tract disease. On the other hand, the situation may be flipped in that underlying medical issues could be contributing to an animal being over or underweight.

How can I help my overweight or obese pet lose weight?

Our team will recommend the specifics of a complete and balanced diet that will help your pet meet their nutritional needs, while maintaining a healthy body weight. You can also make sure your pet gets more exercise throughout their day. Be mindful though of your pet’s specific condition. If your pet is older, opt for activities that put less strain on their joints such as swimming and light walking.

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