Vaccines for Kittens & Cats

Contact our team to create a vaccination plan for your feline friend.

Congratulations on the newest addition to your household. Kittenhood is an exciting time for pets and their families. It’s important to the health of your new little one to have exams, vaccinations and deworming done by your veterinarian throughout their first months of life. For kittens we typically do vaccines at 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16-weeks-old, while deworming is done every 2 weeks for 3 treatments to make sure we get the full life cycle of the worms. At these first exams we will go over many things with you from vaccines to spays and neuters. These first exams can be quite overwhelming for people and their pets so please don’t hesitate to ask any and all questions. As always, you are welcome to call us at 519-426-0111 with your inquiries.

Why do kittens and cats need vaccines?

Vaccines protect your feline friend from several diseases that can be painful and life-threatening. Below are some of the most common diseases that are easily prevented with a proper vaccine program:

  • Rabies: Rabies is a virus that can infect any mammal – this includes wildlife, livestock, domestic animals and humans. When an animal is exposed to rabies, it can quickly transmit the disease, even before symptoms begin – which is normally 10 days after exposure. The virus is found in saliva, the brain and spinal tissues. It can be spread by saliva entering the body via a bite, open cut, sore/wound, mouth, nose or eyes.
  • Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calici Virus and Panleukopenia: These three conditions are targeted by a vaccine that is part of our core vaccine program. Every cat gets this vaccine when they are babies and as adults.
  • Leukemia: This is a viral infection in cats that is passed by nasal secretions and saliva, it is easily passed between cats sharing food/water dishes or cat bites. No medication can eliminate Feline Leukemia, so most treatments are aimed at managing the symptoms and complications as the disease progresses.

Vaccinations for cats

Even if your cat was given vaccines in their kitten years, they still need to be regularly vaccinated throughout their life. This way, we can be sure they remain strong and healthy. Just because they have reached adulthood, does not mean they no longer need protection. Their immunity still needs to be boosted so they have minimal chances of catching any preventable diseases. Our veterinarians can help you decide on an individualized vaccination program for your cat based on a discussion of your cat’s lifestyle.

Does my indoor cat need to be vaccinated?

Yes. Even if your cat spends most if not all of their time indoors, they still need to be vaccinated. Parasites can still enter your home and expose your pet (and your human companions) to harmful diseases. Even cats who live in high-rise condos need to be properly protected.

How often does my adult cat need to be vaccinated?

The best way to ensure your cat is on the proper vaccine schedule is to come in for annual physical exams. This will also allow our veterinarians to identify potential health issues at early stages. Vaccine frequency depends on the specific formulation used and your cat’s specific case and lifestyle.

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